
Chloe Grace Moretz - filmography

15 April 2016

The 5th Wave
Directed by: J Blakeson
Cast: Chloe Grace Moretz, Liev Schreiber, Nick Robinson
Category: sci-fi / thriller

Now, when the first four waves of foreign invasion decimated mankind and destroyed the greater part of the world, survivors await the fifth, decisive wave. They can not trust anyone, because everyone can... more

12 September 2014

If I Stay
Directed by: R.J. Cutler
Cast: Chloe Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Jamie Blackley
Category: drama

"Stay if you love" is a film based on the bestselling novel about love and courage, which caused a sensation around the world. In the starring Chloë Grace Moretz ("Carrie"), one of the most fascinating... more

18 October 2013

Directed by: Kimberly Peirce
Cast: Chloe Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Judy Greer
Category: drama / horror

Czterokrotnie nominowana do Oscara Julianne Moore oraz Chloë Grace Moretz w ekranizacji bestsellerowego horroru Stephena Kinga.
Głęboko wierząca i konserwatywna Margaret White (Moore) wraz z córką... more