Cinema program "Under the Sea" in Wrocław
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"Under the Sea"
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Runtime: 41 min.
Production: Kanada / USA , 2009
Release Date: 17 April 2009
Distribution: Cinema City Poland
Directed by: Howard Hall, Toni Myers, Graeme Ferguson
Under the surface OCEAN 3D IMAX® 3D adventure new moves viewers to exotic and distant water, among others, South Australia, the Great Barrier Reef and coral triangle islands in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, allowing them to experience direct and breathtaking encounter with the mysterious and fascinating inhabitants of the oceans. Film in a very inspiring and entertaining way discovers the beauty and unusual nature of the oceans, and allows you to explore the impact of global climate change on this unique environment. The Orange IMAX, thanks to the extraordinary world of the ocean technology literally flows around a movie theater, putting the audience are in the middle of the movie.
"Part of the plan to create an IMAX film is to raise awareness of the audience about the animals and the environment," director Howard Hall.
"We hope that when people see the world of these amazing animals in a unique 3D image quality, get to know them and love. Most people have heard of these species. It seems to us, however, that when they get to know and to like and then find out that global warming and ocean acidification could destroy their environment, will take over to be this problem. Our mission is to interest people in danger. "
"Unparalleled clarity and passion IMAX showing Howard in nature are very clear throughout the film under the surface OCEAN 3D," says producer Toni Myers. "Most of us will never meet with these animals face in their natural habitat and Orange IMAX is able to give the viewer the closest to the experience - the viewer has the impression that floats next to these creatures. Sharp eye and incredible patience Howard makes every movie recording more and more amazing shots. "

Your comments
super film! Tak bardzo super, ze 40 minut mija jak 10 i ma się niedosyt. Ale te 40 trwa, szkoda, ze nie dłużej :( Dzieci piszczą z zachwytu, gdy wielka płaszczka nagle porusza sie z morskiego dna. Warto zabrać dzieci.
A co to takie krótkie?
wspaniała opowieść dla każdego
beznadziejny ... nudny..;///
Film cudny, śmiał można iść z dzieckiem, bo nie za długi i brzdąc wysiedzi ( ja byłam z 2,5 letnią córką).
to super film.
Zapowiada się na supeer film. I do tego ten rekin.