Cinema program "Nellys Abenteuer" in Wrocław
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"Nellys Abenteuer"
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Runtime: 97 min.
Production: Niemcy , 2016
Category: adventure / family
Release Date: 1 June 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty
Directed by: Dominik Wessely
Cast: Flora Thiemann, Julia Richter, Kai Lentrodt
A unique adventure film, combining the story of a difficult art of openness to other cultures with an extremely current sensational thread. The viewer, together with the characters of the film, is looking for the answer to the question of what is the most important value in life.
The director of the film combines many threads in the modern world in a neat way. In addition to the dilemmas associated with the change of place of residence due to taking up a new job, the viewer gets to know in practice the definition of the term "culture shock", as well as observes what leads to unbridled ambition, egoism and self-interest. In a world unknown to her, thirteen-year-old Nelly, after a quarrel with her parents, tries to escape the kidnappers, while learning respect for the modestly living inhabitants of the Romanian village near Sibiu. Crossing the wilderness with Tibia, a 14-year-old helping her, she meets Romania full of colors, amazing nature and sensitive, helpful people. The film surprises the behavior of adults who are mostly negative or ridiculously inept characters. Resourcefulness is shown to children who learn to understand the world from each other.
Giffoni Film Festival, 2016 Minsk International Film Festival, 2016