
Leonard Valestrand Eike - filmography

25 June 2021

Kaptein Sabeltann og den magiske diamant
Directed by: Marit Moum Aune, Rasmus A. Sivertsen
Cast: Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Siri Skjeggedal, Leonard Valestrand Eike

Kapitan Szablozęby i zły Książę Dżungli Maga Khan pragną posiąść Magiczny Diament, czyli szlachetny kamień spełniający każde życzenie. W pogoni za diamentem Szablozęby porywa chłopca zwanego Paluchem. Na... more

8 January 2016

Operasjon Arktis
Directed by: Grethe Bøe-Waal
Cast: Kaisa Gurine Antonsen, Ida Leonora Valestrand Eike, Leonard Valestrand Eike, Kristofer Hivju
Category: family / adventure

13-year-old Julia, along with her mother and twins - they go and Sindre move to a new city. It's cold North in Norway. Their father works even further - almost under the North Pole. The kids decide to... more