Cinema program "Overlord" in Wrocław
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Runtime: 109 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: action / adventure / horror / mystery / sci-fi / war
Release Date: 30 November 2018
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Julius Avery
Cast: Wyatt Russell, Mathilde Ollivier, Pilou Asbaek
An hour before the famous D-Day today, a group of American paratroopers land in the Nazi-occupied France. The destroyed radio transmitter is on the top of the fortified church. In a bid to take over the building, the soldiers join forces with the young French woman. In the basements of the church, however, they encounter a secret Nazi laboratory. There will meet enemies that no one has ever seen ... Made by J.J. Abrams 'Operation Overlord' is a pulsing action and unexpected turns without a stick.

Movie trailer: Overlord
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Przesadzony realizm laboratoriów. Za dużo makabry jak na film przygodowy, w sam raz na horror. Od połowy filmu akcja przewidywalna. Fajnie zrobione wybuchy. Całość do zampomnienia 4/10