Cinema program "The Death of Stalin" in Wrocław
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"The Death of Stalin"
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Runtime: 107 min.
Production: Wlk. Brytania/Francja , 2017
Category: comedy
Release Date: 27 April 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Armando Iannucci
Cast: Steve Buscemi, Simon Russell Beale, Jeffrey Tambor
The film, which due to its political undertone, was banned throughout the whole of Russia by the Ministry of Culture. This production is a very politically incorrect comedy about the death of a cruel dictator who begins a frantic fight for power and survival at the highest levels of the Kremlin. A brilliant cast, great dialogues and deadly jokes - all this in the mocking movie producers of the hit "Untouchables" directed by Academy Award nominee Armando Innaucci. Starring others include: Golden Globe winners - Steve Buscemi and Jeffrey Tambor, member of the legendary Monty Python team - Michael Palin, James Bond's girlfriend from "007 Quantum of Solace" - Olga Kurylenko and the award-winning Jason Isaacs and Paddy Considine.
A good change is a relapse - it's time for a total change! Dies Józef Stalin - the dictator of the USSR, tyrant and beast responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Among the power elite, the struggle for dominance and influence of the deceased leader begins. Some want repairs and positive changes, and other plans can plunge the country even further. However, all of them have the same goal - to not let themselves be killed and somehow experience the chaos of the Kremlin. The madness of totalitarianism is exposed in all its glory.

Movie trailer: The Death of Stalin
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ŚMIEch przez łzy. Bardzo gorzkie kino.Może się nie podobać, ale okrutna prawda o tych czasach.
Do "Nietykalnych" to temu filmowi bardzo daleko. Nie wyczuwa się ani komedii ani grozy co w efekcie powoduje obojętne oglądanie. Sytuacje komiczne nie stają się takimi bo w tle cały czas jest czyjaś śmierć lub tortury (a to raczej jest mało śmieszne). Reżyser nie zdecydował gdzie idzie - wychodzimy z kina z ambiwalentnymi odczuciami i żalem.